Saturday 12 September 2015

Why do onion make us cry?

Why do onions make us cry? The mere thought of chopping onions can literally make you cry. But the moment your knife touches the onion, your eyes start burning and you have tears in your eyes. Here is why it happens... What do onions contain? Onions contain amino acid sulfoxides that form sulfenic acids in the onion cells. Both the enzymes and the sulfenic acids are kept separately in the cells. When you cut the onion, the otherwise separate enzymes start mixing and produce propanethiol S-oxide, which is a volatile sulphur compound that starts wafting towards your eyes. The gas that is emitted reacts with the water of your eyes and forms sulphuric acid. The sulphuric acid thus produced causes burning sensation in your eyes and this in turn leads to the tear glands secreting tears. Thus you end up with watery eyes every time you cut onions at home. It is the sulphur compound in the onions that also leave a typical odour of onions on your hands and utensils even after washing.
Tips to avoid the tears: 1) Make sure that you keep your fans off while cutting onions. If it is running, the air is on constant circulation, which will lead to the spread of gas and increase the burning sensation in your eyes. 2) Refrigerate the onion before cutting. By refrigerating, you freeze the enzymes from mixing with the sulfenic acids and the production of propanethiol S-oxide is stopped. As a result, sulphuric acid is not formed when you chop the onions. Wear safety goggles while chopping onions. It is also a good idea to keep away the gas from reaching your eyes. 3) Cooking the onion inactivates the enzyme. So cook the onion after you de-skin and before letting the knife touch the onion. Soak onions in water before cutting. Water absorbs the gas and you can avoid the tears. 4) Lighting a candle or a lamp near the chopping board is another effective way to avoid the tears. When a candle is lit near the chopping board the gas that is emitted from the onions get drawn towards the flame of the burning candle or lamp and it does not reach your eyes

Friday 26 June 2015


ni antara kawan-kawan baru di KMK

Cerita 3 tahun yang lalu...
18 Mac 2012... masih ingat lagi tarikh tu.. first time menjejakan kaki di KMK.. perasaan bercampur baur... yang pastinya banyak yang negatif dari positif.. Meninggalkan rumahku syurgaku dan keselesaan yang sudah dibina sejak tahun 2006 bukan sesuatu yang mudah....Kuatkan hati dan nekad, 20 Mei 2015 first day bekerja di KMK..
Hari ini..selepas 3 tahun perpindahan baru sedar apa hikmahnya perpindahan... Perpindahan ini sebenarnya bagus, menambahkan pengetahuan, menambahkan kenalan. Berada di satu tempat untuk satu tempoh yang lama hanya menyebabkan kita terlalu selesa dan merasa macam otai sangat.. Berkat perpindahan, aku lebih 'open minded' dan mengajar aku erti redha dan sabar... dan maybe kalau tak pindah dari KMPP, tak terbuka lagi pintu hati untuk sambung pelajaran....
17 Nov 2014, terpilih sebagai pembentang poster di peringkat Kebangsaan di Hotel Avillion Melaka. Kajian pertama di KMK bersama dengan 2 lagi rakan sepejabat merangkap rakan seperjuangan Suhaila Hanim (di tengah) yang sama-sama berpindah dari KMPP ke KMK dan Adilah rakan baru di KMK. Ini merupakan pengalaman manis yang mendorong untuk terus berjuang dan berkhidmat dengan lebih cemerlang...berusaha menghasilkan R&D yang lebih bermutu lagi...Insyallah.
So hari ini, aku setuju setiap yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya...Hanya Dia yang tahu perancangannya.. tapi satu hari nanti aku akan kembali ke KMPP, tarikhnya tak pasti lagi....insyallah