Thursday 12 September 2019

Le Chatellier's Principle

 Concept of excercise reaction:               

      The reaction between NO and O2 is exothermic:
          2NO (g)  +  O2 (g)          NO2 (g)
      State the effects on equilibrium 
  1. O2 is added
  2. NO2 is taken out
  3. The temperature is increase
  4. The total pressure is decreased
  5. Neon gas is added at constant volume
  6. Argon gas is added at constant pressure
                     1.    When O2 gas is added
·         Equilibrium position shift to the right in order to reduce the added O2 gas
·         As a result, concentration of NO2 gas increase
·         Concentration of NO and O2 gas is decrease

2.    When NO2 is taken out
·         Equilibrium position shift to the right in order to increase NO2 gas
·         As a result, concentration of NO2 gas increase
·         Concentration of NO and O2 gas is decrease

                     3.    The temperature is increased

·         Equilibrium position shift to the left in order to reduce the increase in temperature

·         As a result, concentration of NO2 gas decrease
·         Concentration of NO and O2 gas is increase

                    4.    The total pressure is decreased
·         Equilibrium position shift to the left (higher number of mole) in order to increase in pressure
·         As a result, concentration of NO2 gas decrease
·         Concentration of NO and O2 gas is increase

                    5.    Neon gas is added at constant                               volume
·         Partial pressure of each reacting gas remains constant
·         Equilibbrium position remain unchange

6.    Argon gas is added at constant pressure
·         Partial pressure of each reacting gasses decrease
·         System will respond by increasing pressure
·         Equilibrium position shifts to the side with higher number of moles
·         So equilibrium position shift to the left
·         As a result, concentration of NO2 gas decrease
·         Concentration of NO and O2 gas is increase

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