Sunday 1 September 2019


Matter takes many shapes, but most of us are familiar with the basic three states - solid, liquid, and gas.


solid has a definite shape and volume because the molecules that make up the solid are packed closely together and move slowly. Solids are often crystalline; examples of crystalline solids include table salt, sugar, diamonds, and many other minerals. Solids are sometimes formed when liquids or gases are cooled; ice is an example of a cooled liquid which has become solid. Other examples of solids include wood, metal, and rock at room temperature.


liquid has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container. Examples of liquids include water and oil. Gases may liquefy when they cool, as is the case with water vapor. This occurs as the molecules in the gas slow down and lose energy. Solids may liquefy when they heat up; molten lava is an example of solid rock which has liquefied as a result of intense heat. 

For more explaination about solid and liquid.. download and enjoy reading.

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